Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Special Days for Little People

Being a workimg mum is tough and in todays busy world it is easy to lose sight of what is really important to us such as our children. So after talking to a couple of girlfriends we came up with a few ways in which we show our children just how special they are. After all the extra time you spend with your children is the time they will be thankful for in the long run. So here they are:

1. Plan a special day just for the two of you. Mark it on the calender and count down the days together
2. Make a card for your child
3. Write a note and stick it in their lunch box
4. Read a story to your child every night
5. Look through baby photos and share your feelings and thoughts about how you felt when they were born
6. Keep a memory journal for your child
7. Use cookie cutters to cut your childrens sandwiches into special shapes
8. Display your childs artwork proudly on the fridge, your office or have it framed
9. Volunteer in your childs classroom
10.Tell them how thankful you are to have them

If anyone else out there has anything to add to this list I would be grateful to hear how you make your child feel special.

1 comment:

Tash Hughes said...

It's a great idea to share ideas of showing kids we love them, even when we're busy.

I also watch my girls during their swimming lessons.

I'm becoming a cub leader to spend time with one daughter.

My dh takes our daughters on solo bike rides to spend time with them.